
Game category

Serious Games

Serious Games

Client: Kimberly-Clark Professional

Location: The Netherlands

Target group: 18 employees of Sales and Support

Objective: be able to sell a new system by telling a story that suits the target audience (distributors & key accounts)

The group starts the day with an informative presentation about the new system of Kimberly-Clark Professional. After lunch, it is time to put this gained knowledge into practice during a fun and interactive Business Game. The 18 sales and support employees compete against each other to obtain the best sales numbers in a live market simulation. Therefore, the participants need to sell the standard assortment as well as the new system to the key accounts.

The participants are divided over four Kimberly-Clark Professional teams and two distributors. The two attending managers played the role of key accounts. The teams need to collaborate in order to fulfill the needs and wishes of the key accounts. Do the participants take into account which type of company and contact person is sitting in front of them when doing business? And which teams have the most product knowledge?

At the end of the game, the teams have the chance to earn a final bonus by recording a sales pitch about the new system. Who is able to inform and convince the client the best? The teams look back on the sales pitches all together and give each other feedback. After that it is time for the prize ceremony. Who goes home with the golden medal?

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