ABN Amro Bank

Employer Branding Games

Client: ABN Amro Bank
Location: The Netherlands
Target group: all Trainees
Objective: experiencing the foundation of banking
During this game, the trainees of ABN Amro re-enact a bank. After each round, the banks take stock and they receive a Standard & Poor’s rating. However, only one bank can walk away with the desired AAA-rating. At the start of each round, the teams determine the interest rate of their savings account. Based on these figures, they will attract new accounts, or lose savers. Naturally, this effects the accounting of the bank. It is up to the participants to stabilise the balance sheet by up- or downscaling.
This onboarding banking game is full of content, competitiveness, time pressure and fun. This half-day session is experienced as a highlight of the introduction week by the trainees!